When fire operations go awry, there is rarely a singular cause. Typically, injuries or accidents result from a confluence of unforeseen causes, complications or “problems lying in wait.” At a recent four-alarm fire in the Bronx, FDNY members faced just such a confluence of complications. However, there were no disastrous consequences and nobody was seriously injured. Thanks to some experienced, quick-thinking Firefighters and company and Chief Officers, the operating forces deftly reacted to an unusual convergence of problems, averting a potential disaster.
At 1313 hours on July/2017, Bronx fire companies transmitted a signal 10-75 for a fire in a New Law Tenement (NLT), located at XXX Avenue in the South Bronx. On arrival, members’ size-up indicated a fire on the third floor of a five-story, 25- by 75-foot, Class 3, occupied multiple dwelling.
The first-alarm units operated according to the FDNY’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for NLTs. After quickly locating the fire in Apartment 3C on the third floor, Engines XX and XX paired up to stretch the first 1¾-inch hose-line, while Ladder XX began a primary search. Moments later, Ladder 31 advanced to the fourth floor to begin a primary search of Apartment 4C. Engine XX—the third-due engine—also began stretching a 1¾-inch hose-line to back up the first hose-line.
While the operation initially seemed like an average all-hands fire, Battalion Chief XX, Battalion 3—the initial Incident Commander (IC)—suddenly faced three separate complications that developed almost simultaneously, threatening members’ safety and escalating the fire situation to multiple-alarm proportions.
Approximately nine minutes into the fire operation, Engine XX—whose members were stretching a second hose-line—noticed smoke pushing from the cracks around the doorway of Apartment 1C on the first floor (two floors below the original fire apartment). Next, Ladder XX radioed the IC, calling for a hose-line and notifying the Chief that fire was extending to Apartment 4C on the fourth floor (the floor above the original fire apartment). Finally, Captain MarXXX CXXX—working in Engine XX—radioed the IC to report that they had knocked down the fire in the original fire apartment. But there was a disconnect between what Engine XX had reported and what Battalion 3 was observing—fire still was visible from the exterior, leaping from one window on the third floor in the one/four corner.
在救援行动展开大约9分钟后,XX水罐消防车分队正在铺设第二条水带的消防员们,注意到有烟雾从一楼(比最初起火公寓低两层)1C公寓门口的缝隙向外冒出。接着,31号云梯车分队通过无线电呼叫向现场指挥员(IC)请求增设一条水带线,并报告现场指挥员火势正向4楼(最初起火公寓的上一层)的4C公寓蔓延。最后, XX水罐消防车分队中队长MarXXX CXXX通过无线电向现场指挥员报告,最初起火公寓(三楼3C公寓)的火已被扑灭。但XX水罐消防车分队中队长报告的情况和第三大队观察到的情况不符——仍能从外部看到火焰,并且正从1/4拐角处的一扇窗户向外窜出。
In reaction to Engine XXs report of smoke on the first floor, Battalion 3 ordered Squad XX to force the door to Apartment 1C to determine the source of the smoke condition. Seconds later, Squad XX reported heavy fire in Apartment 1C. This was a highly unusual development—a heavy fire condition had developed below the original fire floor and it was entirely unclear how it got there. What was known conclusively, however, was that several companies now were operating above an uncontrolled fire on the first floor. (FDNY Fire Marshals later determined that the fire had dropped down from the third floor in an unenclosed shaft on the exposure #4 side of the building, entering an open window on the first floor.)
With a torrent of complex new problems flowing toward the 3rd Battalion—and now the 6th Division, who had arrived on the scene—the Chief Officers in the street were forced to pivot and make some quick decisions. On one hand, Ladder XX had called for a hose-line to control a fire that had auto-exposed through an exposure #4 side shaft window to Apartment 4C (the floor above the original fire apartment). On the other hand, Squad XX had just confirmed heavy fire below the entire operating force in Apartment 1C. “Initially, when we started getting reports of fire on the first floor, it became a cause of great concern,” said Chief Hxx. “Did this whole fire start on the first floor and go unnoticed? That means it already made its way through the second floor and we’re fighting it on the third and fourth [floors]…We were very concerned in front of the fire building regarding where the fire was and if we could get control of it with so many units exposed above.”
“最初,当我们收到一楼火势情况报告时,引起了我们了极大的关注,”队长Hxx说。 “难道整个火灾是从一楼发生的,我们没有注意到?如果是这样的话,意味着它已经穿过了二楼,蔓延到我们正在灭火的三楼和四楼…在着火建筑面前,我们真正关心的应该是着火点在哪,我们是否能在上层建筑受到火灾威胁的情况下控制住火势。”
After quickly analyzing the “injects,” Chief Hxx ordered Engine XX to re-direct their backup hose-line—originally destined for the fourth floor—to Apartment 1C on the first floor. “You’ve got to extinguish the fire that’s below the members,” said Chief Hxx. “With fire that’s extending above, we can be below it; we’ll get to it.” Chief Hxx also ordered Engine XX—the fourth-due engine—to stretch a third 1¾-inch hose-line to Apartment 4C. He now had three hose-lines in motion—one for each floor.
With the sudden need for resources, Deputy Chief Jxx Dxx—the 6th Division Commander—quickly transmitted a second alarm, recognizing that two additional floors of fire in a NLT would necessitate additional engine companies to stretch hose-lines and truck companies for searches and overhaul. A third alarm was transmitted soon thereafter.
由于突然需要增加救援力量,副队长Jxx Dxx——第六分队指挥员,很快就发出了二级火灾警报(a second alarm)将火警等级提升为二级,当意识到在新法律公寓(NLT)中的另外两个着火楼层(分析应该是二层和五层)也需要增加水罐消防车分队出水和云梯消防车分队进行搜索,很快,发出了三级火灾警报将火警等级提升为三级(third alarm)。
With the Chief Officers outside in the street adjusting their hose-line strategy and calling for additional resources, the members and Officers inside the fire building also needed to alter their tactics to account for the dangerous developments. Uncontrolled fire now was burning on the first, third and fourth floors, placing numerous Firefighters in a precarious position above the fire. “I received the transmission that there was heavy fire on the first floor,” said Captain Currid. “It was surprising because I had no reason to believe that it would be there…I also had received a transmission that there was fire that exposed to the fourth floor as well, so we were sandwiched between floors of fire at that time,” he noted.
The solution for the companies operating above the first floor was to seek out a safe area of refuge that ultimately would provide a ready means of egress from the fire building. “I knew that the three side most probably would be clear…based on all the information I’d gathered at the time,” explained Captain Cxx. “Ladder XX’s Officer then verbally confirmed to me that he had an area of safe refuge of a door, of an apartment that he exposed toward…the three side…We had an area of safe refuge ready to go while we were waiting for the other line to be put in place for the fire that was below us.”
While members on the inside secured a safe area of refuge, Firefighters on the outside of the building also took steps to mitigate risk to the members working on the third floor. Firefighters placed multiple portable ladders to windows on the third floor, ensuring that Engine XX and Ladder XX members would have a ready means of egress in the event that conditions became untenable. The members on the third floor now had a fire escape and portable ladders on the exposure #1 side and a safe area of refuge on the exposure #3 side.
Back in Apartment 3C (the original fire apartment), one room of fire continued to burn, undetected by the first-due engine and truck. After knocking down a living room and two bedrooms of fire, Engine xx still was having difficulty locating the fire that a throng of members and cell phone-wielding onlookers on HXX Avenue plainly could see emanating from a window in the one/four corner.
回到3C公寓 (最初的着火公寓),一个房间的火仍然在燃烧,第一到场的水罐消防车分队和云梯消防车分队均未发现。在客厅和两个卧室的火被扑灭之后,XX水罐消防车分队还是很难找到仍然在燃烧的房间,而在HXX大道上的一群消防员和挥舞着手机的围观群众都能清楚地看到火焰正从1/4拐角的窗户往外窜。
Unbeknown to the members of Engine XX, a likely alteration had created a small bedroom—akin to a “dead man’s room” in a brownstone(感觉是一个典故或引用)—that was wedged between two larger bedrooms in the one/four corner. To locate the elusive room, Captain Cxx was able to clearly communicate on his handie-talkie with Chief Hxx, who was acting as a spotter in the street. Using clear, concise language, Chief Hxx described the location of the fire that he was looking at, allowing Engine XX to locate the final room of fire. Once Engine XX found the third bedroom, members quickly knocked down the fire before running out of air and requesting relief. Had this bedroom continued to burn, it surely would have exacerbated the fire condition on the floor above, further endangering Ladder XX’s position above the original fire apartment.
•It is critical to be aware of our cognitive biases—in this situation, the “normalcy bias,” which is the psychological state causing people to believe that things always will function the way they normally function. Captain Cxx made this point in his post-fire analysis, saying, “It would be important not to fall to a normalcy bias of the fact that we always think of fire extending up. In this case, the origin of the fire was on the third floor and it extended down, quickly and heavily.”
在这种情况下,能意识到我们的认知有偏差是很重要的,“正常化偏见(normalcy bias)惯性思维”是一种心理状态,指的是人们往往会以过去累积的经验,来了解眼前正在发生的事,以至即使碰上前所未见的灾难,初时仍会相信一切都会正常进行。
•Firefighting strategy always must be flexible. While operations at Bronx Box 4x-xxxx began according to FDNY SOPs, the Incident Commander was forced to veer in a new direction in reaction to a highly improbable development—downward fire extension. To mitigate this threat to members’ safety, the IC took the highly unusual step of placing the second hose-line below the original fire floor. “You’ve got to redirect your resources where they’re needed most,” said Chief Hxx. “In this case, we needed to redirect units below what we thought was the initial fire for the safety of everybody who was above.”
•Members must take concrete tactical steps to mitigate risk. At xxx Hxx Avenue, members inside the building sought a safe area of refuge when confronted with a heavy fire below the original fire floor. Firefighters outside the building also placed multiple ground ladders to windows within reach in order to provide an additional means of egress.
消防员必须采取有效的战术措施以降低风险。在xxx Hxx街道,着火建筑内部的消防员当面临起火楼层下方楼层的大火威胁时,他们找到了安全的避难避险区域。